Saturday, November 13, 2010

Section 3 Story and Symphony

I really found the section on story to be interesting. Like a lot of the teachers I know, and as some of you have mentioned, I use stories in my classroom. I find them to be very powerful learning tools. When I share in stories, they remember! I use personal stories, which they love. I also thought of books I have used to teach. A couple of examples that come to mind are the Bearenstain Bear books. I have used those to teach manners, not following the crowd, telling the truth, bullying etc... I have had students bring up "just like Pappa, or little sister in our book". When I started this section, I immediately thought of the fact that in the Bible Jesus taught in parables or stories. Actually the Bible is one story after another. It is powerful.

It was amazing to see the difference in the author's two pictures in the symphony part of the book. It is so true in the part where he said "The most creative among us see relationships the rest of us never notice." I have a very close friend who is an artist. She would point things out to me that I never connected. I do think you can enhance your ability to do this. I have, just being around her and having her point things out. Try to look at things differently, it works!

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